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Though the horse ends up dying of a fatal heart attack and Peter disposes of the body by flinging it into Mort Goldman's pharmacy, the Griffins are in debt for initial damages.

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While on his way to buy groceries, Peter instead buys a brain-damaged horse, which not only disturbs everyone but also causes $100,000 worth of damage when Peter enters it in a race and it goes on a rampage. 'Family Gay', along with two other episodes, was nominated in the ' Outstanding Comedy Series' category for the 2009 61st Primetime Emmy Awards. It received divided reviews from television sources and critics, in addition to receiving criticism from the Parents Television Council. Seth Rogen provided a guest-voice as Peter under the effects of the 'Seth Rogen gene' and Meredith Baxter provided a guest voice as herself. The episode was written by Richard Appel and directed by series regular Brian Iles. In the episode, Peter becomes temporarily gay after participating in a medical drug test. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on March 8, 2009.

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' Family Gay' is the eighth episode in the seventh season of the American animated television series Family Guy. Seth Rogen as Peter under the 'Seth Rogen gene'.8th episode of the seventh season of Family Guy ' Family Gay'

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